Meet Simon

Name and job title
Simon Witts, Production Team Leader

What is your role at Skydiamond, and what does a typical day look like for you?
My primary role is running and maintaining the Chemical vapour deposition CVD machines, where we grow our Skydiamonds.

What do you love about working at Skydiamond?
I love working at Sky Diamond It’s like working with an extended family, everybody is friendly, and we all work well as a team. I am proud to say I contribute to manufacturing of diamonds with an ethical process.

Where do you see the future of lab-grown diamonds heading, and how is Skydiamond positioned to lead the way?
Sustainable and ethical Skydiamonds are not extracted from the earth, this will intern protect the environment for future generations.

What has been your most significant project or accomplishment at Skydiamond so far?
I believe that my greatest achievement so far is the repeatability of production on the CVD machines and the minimum amount of downtime.=

Where did you grow up?
Chipping Norton moved to Gloucester at the age of 14.

How do you explain what you do to your kids / grandchildren / parents (how many do you have if of note)?
I have two daughters still living at home, 21 and 22. They think it’s amazing that we can make diamonds from the sky.

What’s the furthest / most exciting place you have travelled to?
My wife and I travelled to the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon. It was a beautiful island.

What does a diamond signify to you?
Expensive luxury jewellery.

What do you think is the biggest scientific breakthrough in recent years and why?
Breakthroughs in modern medicine to fight cancers.

What makes you get up in the morning with a spring in your step?
We have recently acquired a puppy, springer spaniel. It’s a joy to come down and see him in the morning, wagging his tail.

How do you spend your free time?
Cycling and participating in time trialling. I enjoy tinkering and going to car meets with my modern classic 20-year-old BMW Z4.