About our Impact

Skydiamond was born to contribute to a planet positive future, creating ‘another way’ without compromise on quality or beauty. We have transformed an existing challenge - natural diamonds negative impact on people and planet - into an opportunity for measurable positive impact.

Our innovation proves that diamonds can still be generated through nature, using rainwater and the air we breathe.  And made right here in Great Britain, in the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire.

It has taken five years of research and development, a band of pioneering engineers and relentless efforts, culminating in ground-breaking, scientifically proven carbon-negative diamonds.

To be crystal clear on our claims, we sought expertise from Imperial College London. The brief: to do a rigorous and impartial life-cycle analysis based on pure science and evidence. It was assessed against the International Panel for Climate Change’s AR 6 framework, which has the most recent data on CO2. 

 In simple terms this means a deep-dive study and benchmarking exercise to measure emissions and environmental impact against globally recognised indexes; getting to the bottom with pure, non-negotiable facts and truth.

Impact Report Findings

Skydiamond was born to contribute to a planet positive future, creating ‘another way’ without compromise on quality or beauty.

  • The Real Thing

    The manufacturing of Skydiamond replicates the earth’s process for mined diamonds, making them structurally and chemically identical.

  • 99.79% Reduced Emissions

    For every carat of Skydiamond produced, greenhouse gas emissions reduce by 99.79% compared to mined diamonds. 

  • Negative Emissions

    Compared to both mined and lab-grown diamonds, the Skydiamond process is the only one with negative emissions. This is due to the use of 100% renewable electricity, direct air capture for CO2, and hydrogen production from the electrolysis of rainwater. 

  • Less Waste

    Compared to growing diamonds in a laboratory, mined diamonds produce 4,383 times more waste, use 2.14 times the energy and 6.8 times as much water. 

  • Significantly Reduced Emissions

    Lab-grown diamonds also avoid all the sulphur oxide, and more than half the nitrous oxide emissions associated with mined diamonds.

  • Decarbonised at Every Stage of Creation

    Skydiamond has a considerably larger avoided carbon footprint, in addition to avoiding pollution of the land and water too.

All without Offsetting

We're proud to achieve this through design, without offsetting, creating exceptional products for People and Planet.

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Skydiamond sets a new standard in diamond creation

We create negative emission diamonds, enabled by nature, and harness our expert jewellers to create pieces that span a lifetime.

  • Mined entirely from the sky

  • Made in the Cotswolds, England

  • World's only carbon negative diamond


Unparalleled Clarity, Independently Verified

We partner UK-based AnchorCert Gemological Laboratory, one of the world's leading gemmology laboratories, to review our loose stones.

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Learn more about Skydiamond

Our Creation Process

Everything we need to create our diamonds comes from the sky, including something the world has too much of - CO2.

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A word from our founder

Another Way

Renowned disruptor and first mover, green entrepreneur Dale Vince’s vision was born over three decades ago, while living off-grid in his very own modified van.

Read more on his Skydiamonds mission, and his Green Philosophy.

Read Skylight

Born from the sky to protect the Earth

Our planet-positive, certified, and chemically identical to the timeless diamonds we all know and love. Take a look through our collections to see how we've captured the sky.