There are man-made diamonds, and then there are Skydiamonds.

There are man-made diamonds, and then there are Skydiamonds.

Why We Outshine. End of.

Lab-Grown. Cultured. Man-Made. Synthetic. Confused? Arthur Miller, legendary playwright, and erstwhile husband of Marilyn Monroe, said, “the jungle is dark, but full of diamonds”. We agree-it’s why we exist, and are the best of the best. 

We’re cutting to the chase, through the white noise, because it is a minefield out there (excuse the pun). You’re reading this because presumably you want to make a better choice or are curious, and want to be better informed. 

For a start, yes, lab-grown diamonds are certainly better for the environment than traditional diamonds mined from the ground. But when you pull back the ground cover of that man-grown jungle, you find their core ingredient is cheap commercial gas using huge amounts of energy to grow their stones. The majority of which are manufactured in distant global facilities incurring heavy carbon footprints on supplies, logistics and low labour costs. If its really so much cheaper, we should ask ourselves, why?

Skydiamonds are UK made at our SkyLab in Gloucestershire, in small batches, using a unique patented process. No other cultured diamond is as ethical or certified carbon negative as we are.* Our stones’ principle ingredients are Cotswold rainwater and fresh air. And the wind and sun provide our sister company Ecotricity its renewable energy for our facilities and machines. 

If you, or anybody that you know, is navigating the diamond jungle, there is no need to get lost in the alphabet soup of ‘cultured’ vs ‘mined’, ‘created’, ‘LGD’ or ‘manufactured’; just shortcut immediately to Skydiamond. We easily outshine them all. Promise.  

* “Skydiamonds are diamonds from the sky – carbon dioxide from direct air capture, hydrogen from the electrolysis of water where the water is obtained from rain; and wind and sun provide all the energy required….This means for every carat of Skydiamond produced instead of mined diamonds, greenhouse gas emissions reduce by 99.79%.“ 

Imperial College, Skydiamond Lifecycle Analysis Report, September 2022.

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