Earth is our home, our mother. She exists in fine balance supporting a beautiful and complex web of life. The flora and fauna of this earth are in continuous interaction and collaboration, forever responding to the ebbs and flows of time.
As humans we have evolved in a synchronistic dance with the living earth. Our cyclical stories are interwoven. For millennia, our ancestors have used rituals to honour our relationship to the earth, understanding that we are not separate from it but are all part of one great indivisible whole. When in harmony, the element of earth offers a sense of belonging, vitality and meaning and is most commonly associated with the quality of balance.
She who is at home on earth emanates a quiet certitude. Her relationship to nature is deeply restorative allowing her to stay grounded no matter the external conditions. She sets healthy boundaries so as to cultivate a sense of security out of respect for herself and others. Her sense of home is felt deeply within her bones, inspiring her to create stronger communities.
In astrology, you are an earth sign if your Zodiac is: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. You may choose this element to orient yourself towards your centre and bring greater balance to your life.
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