December 02, 2022

Today sees a world-first jewellery collaboration taking the industry by storm.
Skydiamond and Stephen Webster have launched an era-defining jewellery collection. Always driven by the desire to support innovation, Webster is proud to announce his first collaboration with the world’s only carbon negative diamond.
The influential British jewellery designer is famed for pushing boundaries, and the collaboration with Skydiamond is reinforcing just this.
We know that we can no longer keep participating in ‘business as usual’ and that our lifestyles need to change if we want to protect the planet and mitigate climate change.
“I cannot remember a time in my life where a gem has not been dug out of the ground. This already is extraordinary – but when you add into the mix that a gem has come from the sky by a carbon-negative process that transmutes atmospheric carbon, it is truly exceptional – an innovation and product we are excited to collaborate with and launch to market.”
- Stephen Webster, MBE.

Skydiamond are paving the way for the future of diamond mining, a future that not only rejects human and environmental exploitation but helps to repair some of the damage already done.
“We mine carbon from the sky and make diamonds with it - all of our ingredients come from the sky; the wind, sun, rain and atmospheric carbon, that’s it. Our process - it’s actually carbon negative, by design - using no offsets. We’ve created a blueprint for 21st century industry.
And it’s 21st century alchemy - we turn something we have too much of (carbon dioxide) into something we quite like to have (diamonds)."
- Skydiamond Founder, Dale Vince, OBE.

Named The Collision Range, inspired by space and the sky, is targeted to those looking for genuine change, modernity and compelling journeys behind important purchases. The range consists of rings, earrings, and pendants, with each piece crafted in single-mine origin gold.
The Collision Range is centred around four cuts, Stellar, Volt, Rocket and Meteoric – all incredibly unique in their design. The pièce de résistance of the range is the couture Orbital Piercer Earrings. Made with titanium (ethically sourced, of course) this show-stopping jewellery piece gets its inspiration from orbiting space debris, giving the illusion of the aftermath of a meteoric shower.

Together, we’re making a statement for the jewellery industry. Creating iconic luxury jewellery, with no added harm to the planet.
>>> Shop the Stephen Webster x Skydiamond collection here <<<
>>> Shop the Skydiamond Collection <<<